Smashwords Publishing has recently published a novel, which is entitled “The First End” and written by Victor Elmalih. The newly released novel is a fiction, genre espionage that is certainly an interesting book to read. This is particularly true to those individuals who appreciate reading action stories with the blend of adventure. Through publishing The First End, people will be able to find and read a novel that provides a different taste to readers. That is why everyone who is looking for a unique taste of story should consider checking out the availability of the book.
The story is all about the ex-marine and lawyer named as Bill Gardner. Employees of the Waste Management Company from the United States are on strike in this story. Around the globe, juvenile dump scavengers within Somalia find significant military technology, which should have been securely destroyed. This is where the role of Bill Gardner enters the scene. He is an ex-marine and lawyer who is hired to assist in tracking down the mislaid technology in behalf of the company in order for them to rescue face. However, Bill is also connected with the services of US intelligence. Bill is pulled into the secure waste’s world, crime and corruption, and the risks of the lost technology. A risky, but simple case is about becoming in a very treacherous mission. Through the plot of this story, people can already tell that it is indeed a fascinating story to keep track to.
This story is written by its author known as Victor Elmalih. He is a specialist in Foreign Affairs and International Relations. Victor Elmalih is a Canadian born in Morocco. He studied and lives in different countries including Canada, United States and France. He graduated from various Institutes and Universities. With the broad knowledge and experiences he has acquired, he was able to come up with a compelling novel, which will certainly capture the heart of its readers. This is made possible because Victor Elmalih is one of the most efficient authors of North America, who unite reality and fiction in order to offer readers with several books that are rich in emotions and actions.
The First End is full packed with exciting and adventurous scenes that will surely get the imagination of readers working.
“The First End” is planned to be launched through the help of Smatshwords, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.