November 30, 2015 – Of the different medical conditions today, obesity is perhaps one of the most prevalent, and one of the most costly. In the US alone one-third or 78.6 million Americans are obese, and the ensuing medical costs for treating it rose to a whopping 147 billion. While there is a wide array of interventions used to fight it, a leading complementary-care provider asserts that there's one innovative way for fighting obesity, and it is hypnosis. Read more to find out.
Obesity is one medical condition that's now reaching epidemic proportions. In the United States alone, 34.9% or 78.6 million people are obese, and the annual medical costs of obesity have risen to $147 billion, and that's just the estimate for 2008.
But while there are different therapies and interventions used for treating or preventing obesity, one innovative approach is currently fast gaining ground, and it is hypnotherapy Adelaide.
Hypnotherapy Focuses On a Person's Subconscious
According to Jane Fielder, a registered Clinical Therapist, Master Practitioner NLP Coach and Trainer, “hypnosis is totally natural, and it works”. A hypnotherapist utilises hypnosis as a primary tool for helping clients achieve their goals, whether it's quitting smoking, fighting depression and anxiety, or effectively losing weight. A hypnotherapist is also different from other therapists because they focus on the role of subconscious behaviours and its influences on a person's life.
In a survey of the success rates of different psychotherapies by noted psychologist Alfred Barros, Ph.D, it was noted that psychoanalysis had a 38% recovery rate after 600 sessions, behaviour therapy was at 72% after 22 sessions, while hypnotherapy had a 93% recovery rate after just 6 sessions.
The Virtual Gastric Band
Jane Fielder notes that the best way for fighting obesity, and achieving effective weight loss, is through a technique called the “virtual gastric band”. The virtual gastric band is defined as a targeted approach to weight loss, through the use of hypnosis to convince the subconscious mind that it has had a gastric band literally attached to him or her. The method has been noted to help reduce the person's food intake, as well as reduce their desire for food.
The virtual gastric band is a safe, painless and non-surgical method which uses the power of hypnosis to train the mind and body to accept less food. And through hypnosis, the brain tells the stomach that it's full, and there's no need for any more food.
During the first session, the patient will be provided with a CD to help reinforce their learning and get ongoing support. The program is divided into 4 sessions, during which after the first session the individual will eat less, and feel more motivated to purse these positive changes.
And through hypnosis, the individual can unlearn any negative behaviour quickly, and move from negative hypnosis to positive hypnosis, to no phobic reaction. Hypnotherapy and coaching have been proven to be truly effective at helping people overcome fears and phobias, sleep better, quit smoking, eliminate depression and anxiety, as well as how to reverse obesity Adelaide.
To succeed, the individual has to commit to attending all their booked sessions, listen to the take-home CDs, listen to the signals that their stomach and mind send (with regard to being satisfied), and take full responsibility for their desired outcomes, as well as focus on what they want.
To learn more about the benefits of hypnosis , and how it can help you effectively lose weight, Call Jane now on 8366 6581 to book your individual session. You could also log on to to learn more about the wide ranging perks of hypnotherapy.